Published on 03/15/2018 6:55 am
AVG : How to solve the "update issues"

The best and most accurate form of data protection is possible when the user downloads AVG Antivirus. It is undoubtedly reliable form of security tool, which negates the flow of virus infections. Having said this, user needs to make sure that timely form of updating the security tool is conducted. As then most optimum form of version of security updates is received by the concerned user. In this way, user will not be troubled by any form of security breach inside the computer system. “Automatic Updates”. In case the user is connected with the internet connection, then receiving of automatic updates does not get delayed. Having said this, due to some technical imperfections the user is not able to receive “Automatic Updates”.

It is because of this timely form of updating does not take place. Cause of the error: - the user is not able to receive accurate form of AVG relevant updates because of corrupt AVG update control files. There are ideally two methods which needs to be adopted –

Method – 1 Remove temporarily files, using the AVG Interface - 

1. The user needs to double click on the AVG Icon, which is located on the desktop.

2. Now, just open the Tools Menu and then select on Advanced Settings category.

3. In the next step, browse to the Manage option in the Update category or section.

4. Then Click on the Delete Temporarily Update files button.

5. In the last step, make sure that user is clicking on the Yes button to confirm removal of the temporary update the files.

Method – 2 manually delete temporary updating of files – 

1. The user first of needs to go to My Computer section and open it.

2. Then navigate to the C Documents and Settings All Users Application Data avg 8 update download folder.

3. Now locate and delete the files –

• avginfoavi.ctf

• aviginfowin

This way user will not have any further addition of problems and will be able to execute work in a proper way. For more info visit AVG Support UK OR call at 0808-101-2159. 

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